Tuesday, November 27, 2018

November 26 - December 7

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." - Henry Ford 

A Note From Mr. Witherspoon:

I am hoping that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! Holidays can often be filled with much anxiety from all the running around that seems to be a part of that process. I encourage you to slow down, enjoy each moment with your family and friends, and take the time to make your child(ren) feel as if they are the only person that matters in the world. The joy on their face and in their heart will say it all!

Thank you to all of the parents/guardians that took time out of their day to come and walk around the neighborhood with us! The support that within our community is incredible and our children are definitely benefiting from it! Thank you also to the Livonia Police Department who came out to assist with the safety of our students!

The end of the 1st Trimester is almost here (11/29) and I have had some time to look at the wonderful progress that our students are making in the classroom! I encourage you to continue to be involved in your child's education by maintaining communication with your child(ren's) teacher. Please take the time to go through the report card and don't hesitate to contact the teacher with questions. The success of each student depends on our partnership with you!

Please, as always, give me a call or email if you have any questions/concerns/compliments regarding Cleveland!!!!  

Stay Awesome and Keep SOARing Eagles!!!!

Attendance Matters:

Attendance is one of the ways that we can help our students maximize their learning potential. Students that are chronically absent or tardy are less likely to meet that potential and will experience more difficultly in school. The following link will give you some valuable information regarding the research that has been done surrounding this topic, Attendance in the Early Grades: Why it Matters for Reading. The important thing is to keep in mind is that these effects can be reversed with appropriate interventions and an increased attendance rate.

Winter Outside Recess:

Now that the weather is changing, it is very important that your child is dressed appropriately for recess. Please remember that when it snows, your child must have both winter boots, snow pants, and gloves to be able to play in the snow. They will be able to go outside if they don't have those items, but the will have to play on the blacktop. We don't call home for wet clothes from recess, so this will ensure that your child stays dry.

Snow Days/Inclement Weather :

Please click on the following link to see the process that Livonia Public School's using in determining these days: Snow Days: How are they decided?

Upcoming Events:


29 - End of the 1st Trimester
30 - No School for students - Teacher Work Day


4      - Mentor Meetings: "Empathy"
6-11 - Vision Screeening -  
7      - Report Cards go home (backpack)
24    - Winter Break Begins


7 -  Classes resume 

PTA Updates:

Upcoming EventParents' Night Out (Cost $5: includes popcorn, fruit snacks, and water). 

When: Friday, December 7, 2018
Drop-Off Time: 5:45 PM
Movie Start Time: 6:00 PM
Pick-Up Time: 7:45-8 PM

1. Only Cleveland Students may attend. Sorry, no friends or siblings that are not Cleveland students. 
2. You must RSVP in advance by completing the form that came home with your child. 
3. You must provide proper identification when dropping off and picking up you student(s). 

Next Meeting:  January 9, 2019 @ 6 PM in the LMC

Toy Drive:

Cleveland Elementary School is partnering with Livonia Goodfellows to collect new, unwrapped toys to help provide families with gifts for their children this holiday season.   A drop box is in the front office; toys will be collected until December 13, 2018. Please fill out a commitment form if your child participates!

The following link will give you some more information about this program: Livonia Goodfellows: No Child Without a Christmas


Monday, November 12, 2018

November 12 - 23

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel" - Maya Angelou 

A Note From Mr. Witherspoon:

I would like to, on behalf of all the staff and students at Cleveland, send a great big "THANK YOU" to those of you, and your families, that have served and/or are serving in the military!  The selfless act of serving in the military for our freedom is one that is appreciated and should be celebrated as often as possible.  Thank you again! 

Thanksgiving is just two weeks away and I want to say how thankful I am for being afforded the opportunity to serve the Cleveland community in the role of principal.  The excitement that I get to witness every day from the students and staff inspires me to be the best I can be. Thank you again for sharing your wonderful children with us and for your partnership!!!  

Cleveland is participating in the Canned Food Drive!!! Classes will be collecting canned food and/or nonperishable items until November 16.  Please send them in with your child and they can place them in the box outside of the classroom. 

Turkey Trot is back!!!  The trot will take place on November 20 from 3:00-3:45 pm.  Permission slips have been sent home and will need to be returned for your child to participate.  This fun event will give us a chance to kick-off the Thanksgiving weekend with a trip around the community!  We are looking for volunteers to stand along the route...please let your child's teacher know.  

Thank you to all that took the time to fill out the survey for Parent-teacher conferences!  The feedback overwhelmingly positive and well thought through!  This information will be analyzed to see how we can improve the process in the future!   

Living the Eagle way of life!  We are continuing to celebrate small celebrations or acts of kindness around Cleveland!  The students have been doing a wonderful job at recognizing the kind actions of others and reciprocating those behaviors!  Keep up the great work Eagles!!!!

Please, as always, give me a call or email if you have any questions/concerns/compliments regarding Cleveland!!!!  

Stay Awesome and Keep SOARing Eagles!!!!

Winter Recess:

Now that the weather is changing, it is very important that your child is dressed appropriately for recess. Please remember that when it snows, your child must have both winter boots, snow pants, and gloves to be able to play in the snow. They will be able to go outside if they don't have those items, but the will have to play on the blacktop. We don't call home for wet clothes from recess, so this will ensure that your child stays dry.

Arrival and Dismissal Reminders:

Thank you so much for helping out with the drop-off and pick-up lanes! We are always looking for volunteers to assist with the flow of traffic (we will even give you a beautiful shiny vest 😄 to wear)...if you are interested Mrs. Shovely or me know.

Upcoming Events:


12 - Cleveland Lock-Down Drill
14 - Last Day for Reflections Entries
16 - Spirit Day:  Super Hero T-Shirts
20 - Turkey Trot: 3:00 - 3:45 PM
22-23 - Thanksgiving Recess
29 - End of the 1st Trimester
30 - No School for students - Teacher Work Day


7 - Report Cards go home (backpack)

PTA Updates:

The PTA will be showing a movie on November 20 to our students to reward them for such an outstanding job raising money for Cleveland PTA during this year's FunD Run!!!

  • Next Meeting:  January 9, 2019 @ 6 PM in the LMC

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!


